These candidates texting us for money who are running for election in other states seem, to me, essentially too stupid to serve in office. Don’t they realize:

That they sound desperate, as if they don’t have sufficient support in their own states?
That some of us are too smart simply to vote along party lines and instead vote for platforms?
That we’re besieged for funds request from our local politicians?
That exchanging lists of contributors among states is repugnant?

If you’re too stupid to understand this, or too self-absorbed to appreciate it, then you’re not good enough to hold public office.


Isaac Newton didn’t invent gravity. It was there all along. He simply named and explained it.

The same is true for planets, continents and obscure species. They’re discovered, not invented.

Michelangelo talked about removing all the parts of the marble that weren’t the statue on his way to creating great art. Discovery is like that.

Often, we put ourselves on the hook to invent something, when it might be simpler and more direct to act like we’re exploring on our way to discovering something instead.


As research for this article, I’ve asked eight top hiring managers to share the #1 SEO interview question they’re asking candidates right now, so you can understand what types of questions hiring managers are asking. The hiring managers I talked

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