So let’s see how this works out:

• If you believe in God and there is no God: bummer.

• If you believe in God and there is a God: eternal bliss.

• If you don’t believe in God and there is no God: no harm, no foul.

• If you don’t believe in God and there is a God: uh, oh….


Options in Belief

So let’s see how this works out:

• If you believe in God and there is no God: bummer.

• If you believe in God and there is a God: eternal bliss.

• If you don’t believe in God and there is no God: no harm, no foul.

• If you don’t believe in God and there is a God: uh, oh….


Options in Belief

So let’s see how this works out:

• If you believe in God and there is no God: bummer.

• If you believe in God and there is a God: eternal bliss.

• If you don’t believe in God and there is no God: no harm, no foul.

• If you don’t believe in God and there is a God: uh, oh….


Without salt, human beings don’t survive long.

But it’s possible to eat for a month without tasting an herb. The food will sustain you.

Herbs are an expensive non-obvious addition, while also being a bargain if the goal is to create delight, interest or satisfaction.

As we digitize our interactions, the first thing to go are the herbs. We strip away anything that’s not obviously functional.

The first 100 interactions you have with an AI will leave you amazed, and then a bit empty.

And when a skilled user experience professional arrives, the first thing she does is add back the herbs. Tiny speed bumps, moments of tension, opportunities for traction or surprise.
