What Is a Micro Business? Build One From the Ground Up

Micro businesses are a subset of the small business world. They’re made up of one person or a few people who have different roles at a time. They run operations on a small scale and focus on building robust relationships with their limited customer base. Young or new professionals often start micro enterprises as they emerge into the business world. 

“But what if I’m wrong?

If we’re going to come together and invest the time in conversation, in research or in analysis, we should begin by understanding what would be required for you or I to change our minds.

If you’re not willing to consider that you’re wrong, then, in the words of a Dan Dennett, you’re a spectator, not a participant.

Let’s agree on the standards of proof, and then begin.

PS unrelated tip: I just switched my browser to arc and it’s working out great. Recommended.